10 Things That Make Me Ridiculously Happy

10 Things that Make me Ridiculously Happy



photo taken by Megan of Great Smokies Photography at French Broad River Fest

photo taken by Megan Richardson of Great Smokies Photography at French Broad River Fest







  1. playing music, my fiddle, my uke and singing
  2. driving down the highway and repeating my favorite songs over and over while the windows are down driving fast speeds
  3. getting a letter in the mail
  4. fresh clean, crisp bed sheets
  5. hanging with my family and friends
  6. orange cats
  7. green smoothies
  8. bright colored zinnias in the summer garden
  9. taking my first sip of coffee in the morning
  10. laughing and making others smile

Okay its your turn, let me know your 10 things that make you ridiculously happy.  I would love to hear it….. Don’t be shy.



8 thoughts on “10 Things That Make Me Ridiculously Happy

  1. Don’t know if I can think of ten things real fast. But, it is always a joy to share in the happiness of others or to inspire happiness in others, and I’d say that’s my favorite thing that makes me happy. Sometimes I try too hard, and my silliness is interpreted as disrespect, so I’m learning not to try too hard to cheer up others. Some people just want to be melancholy just because they can be, and I try to avoid those folks, so it don’t rub off on me. Anyway, of all the folks who inspire sunshine in my life, Caroline, you’re way up there in stratosphere, you have inspired happiness beyond measure for me, and I thank you… 🙂

  2. Caroline~
    i love you soooo much, it is ridiculous!

    you rock me, and knowing you makes me HAPPY!!!!

    i love you!

  3. 1. Seeing my children smile.
    2. Seeing my husband smile.
    3. Pink flamingos – plastic or the real thing.
    4. Riding the wave of good music.
    5. Harmony – ‘specially harmonizing!
    6. The smell of honeysuckle.
    7. Cool breezes through the windows at night.
    8. Night-time noises like crickets and birds.
    9. The smell of good clean earth.
    10. I’m with Carolyn on this one – crisp cool bed sheets. 🙂

  4. As discussed over peas and rice. . . As remembered later. . . as scrawled on a used envelope in red pen in my bath tub at 4:30 am.

    1. taking over a kitchen when I have a full day to prepare a feast for folks

    2. comfortable silences

    3. sleeping on my front porch with my dogs

    4. when my kids play jokes on me

    5. submersing myself, and feeling my body relax and breathing slow

    6. watching my bar full of people having fun and feeding off of their happiness

    7. making cool shit happen with good people

    8. spending hours at a time lost in a book

    9. finding the perfect word in Scrabble or the last maddening letters in a crossword.

    10. realizing that I had to edit this list down to keep it to 10 and that everyTHING is an experience, not an object.

    as a side note. and a necessary addition. . . Watching my friends/family make beauty occur, can bring me to tears. I’m lucky to cry that way often, I have a great collection of people.

    e.g. my dear friend Laura–click and fall in love with her.

  5. We Otter Clan folks live by two mottos:

    Principle One: Faster! More Volume! (relates directly to your #2)

    Principle Two: Moderation in the Extremes of Excess is Intelligent: but sometimes too much of everything is not enough!

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